FTIR-Infrared Microscope

AIMsight AIRsight


Raman and FTIR microscopy in perfect harmony

  1. The infrared/Raman microscope combines two methods of obtaining complementary molecular information. Retaining all feature if AIM sight. Additional features added in AIR sight are
    • Both FTIR and Raman Spectra Can Be Measured without Moving Samples
    • One Software to Measure and Analyse Both FTIR and Raman Spectra
    • Obtain Organic and Inorganic Information with One Instrument
  • AIRsight Features for Raman Measurements
    • Confocal optical system enables Raman measurements with excellent spatial resolution
    • Equipped standard with 532 nm and 785 nm lasers Characteristics of the lasers
      • 532 nm : Light scatters more easily, making it easier to obtain peak intensities
      • 785 nm : Less affected by ­fluorescence, making it more suitable for fl­uorescent samples
    • Systems can be equipped with either a 50× or 100× objective lens (or both) Selectable depending on the target measurement area
    • Includes XYZ correction for lens switching between infrared and Raman measurements Enables both infrared and Raman measurements from the same location
  • Choice of detector option to cover wide range from 5000 – 700 using environmental friendly mercury free T2SL2 detector as standard and 4600 – 400 cm-1 using DLATGS Detector as optional
  • x 330 Times Digital Zoom for Infrared Measurement and x 1,330 Times Digital Zoom "View to Scan" Feature
  • AMsolution to a limitless extent, making it possible to integrate and operate everything from sample observation to measurement and analysis offering unique feature with AIR sight.
  • Length and depth measurement as standard feature
  • measurement software (AMsolution Measurement) and analysis software (AMsolution Analysis).
    • measurement software can control both infrared and Raman measurements via the same window
    • Analysis software can overlay and search infrared and Raman spectra, create libraries, and so on
  • Validation program : inspecting and validating the performance of Shimadzu infrared and Raman microscopes
  • Automatic contaminant recognition system
  • Library creation function